both have in common? Apparently, they're both under attack.
At least that's the story if you ask any conservative republican. Yes, when December rolls around it can only mean one thing: Conservative Christians complaining about not being able to put Baby Jesus in the town square. Ever since it was designated as a federal holiday in 1870 by Ulysses S. Grant, Christians have been claiming it has a deserved place at the forefront of American culture, especially since "the United States was founded by Christians" and based on "Christian" values. However, I think these people could use a history lesson on the origins of all the customs we've come to associate with Christmas.
Let's take the most recognizable symbol of Christmas: The Christmas Tree. This really has little to do with Christianity (although it's never stopped Christians from making up myths) and, like most Christmas customs, is taken from Pagan traditions revolving around the celebration of the Winter Solstice. We can credit the invention of this custom to the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, specifically the children of the Latvian town of Riga, who, in the early 15th century, decorated a fir tree that was originally planned to be burned (it was tradition to burn a giant log for the Winter Solstice. Why? I don't know, they're Pagans.), but in the end wasn't because of it's large size and safety concerns. Some historians though think this Christmas tree business dates back as far as the Egyptians, Romans, and Druids.
Well, how about the other, much more awesome part of Christmas: PRESENTS. Even if you're a lonely hermit with no friends or family to receive gifts from (Man, what a horrible life you must have), people can at least splurge on gifts and call it a Christmas gift for themselves. Plus, there's really nothing more American than spending hundreds of dollars and going into debt every year (Woo! Debt!). Except that's another thing taken from Pagan tradition. The Romans had this celebration called Saturnalia held in recognition of the god Saturn that lasted from December 17th to December 23rd. December 25th is believed to have come from the recognition of a few other gods like Mithra and Angerona. Anyway, a part of Saturnalia was the exchange of gifts. What's funny is that the Catholic church banned gift giving for awhile until they realized they could lure in Pagans to their religion by bringing back the gift giving, making up some justification (because when doesn't that work?) and pretty much stealing the Winter Solstice celebration and claiming it as their own.
Wait, so, if Christians don't get a Christmas tree, presents, or even the holiday itself, what do they have? Nothing. What does this mean? Christmas is pretty much a secular holiday that doesn't belong to any particular religion.
Except for those weird nativity scenes that show Baby Jesus on a camping trip. That's definitely religious and the government doesn't have the right to erect any religious symbol, with or without tax-payer money. Don't like it? Then repeal the First Amendment. That'll go over well.
My point with all this is, nobody is attacking Christians. Christians are just mad because people recognize that the government shouldn't be erecting any religious symbols that could be interpreted as an establishment of religion. My only problem would be if any government uses tax dollars to put up a nativity scene. That's clearly linked to a specific religion. A Christmas tree however, I really have no problem with. I actually think of Christmas as more of a secular holiday anyway. To me, Christmas has pretty much entered into the mainstream mostly through the heavy amount of advertising and classic Christmas movies (of which A Christmas Story is the best). The Supreme Court seems to agree with me as well (or is it I who agrees with them? Nope, they always agree with me.). So go ahead and put up those Christmas trees and holiday wreaths, just keep those nativity scenes on your own property and stop thinking anybody is attacking you.
What do you think? Is Christmas really under attack by godless heathens? Are people who say it is whiny bitches? Lemme know in the comments section!